Category Archives: Research

Magnesium and Vitamin D Absorption

Magnesium and Vitamin D Absorption

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains adequate serum calcium and phosphate concentrations to enable normal mineralization of bone and to prevent hypocalcemic tetany. It is also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts [1,2]. Without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. Vitamin D [...]

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Magnsium and Concussion

Magnesium and Concussive Brain Injury

The Neurometabolic Cascade of Concussion. Abstract: Objective: To review the underlying pathophysiologic processes of concussive brain injury and relate these neurometabolic changes to clinical sports-related issues such as injury to the developing brain, overuse injury, and repeated concussion. An Overview of Concussion Pathophysiology. Immediately after biomechanical injury to the brain, abrupt, indiscriminant release of neurotransmitters [...]

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magnesium reduces stress

Magnesium and Chronic Stress

Alterations in magnesium and oxidative status during chronic emotional stress. Abstract: Magnesium and oxidative status were investigated in young volunteers exposed to chronic stress (political intolerance, awareness of potential military attacks, permanent stand-by duty and reduced holidays more than 10 years) or subchronic stress consisting of everyday mortal danger in military actions lasting more than [...]

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Magnesium and Hip Fractures

Magnesium and Hip Fracture

Nationwide data on municipal drinking water and hip fracture: could calcium and magnesium be protective? A NOREPOS study. Abstract: Norway has a high incidence of hip fractures, and the incidence varies by degree of urbanization. This variation may reflect a difference in underlying environmental factors, perhaps variations in the concentration of calcium and magnesium in [...]

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Magnesium and Anxiety

Magnesium Deficiency Induces Anxiety

A 2012 study in Neuropharmacology1 initially sounded promising, “Magnesium Deficiency Induces Anxiety and HPA Axis Dysregulation” but then the second part of the title, “Modulation by Therapeutic Drug Treatment” made no sense at all. This study proves that in an animal model magnesium deficiency induces anxiety and dysregulation of the way the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis works. [...]

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Magnesium Stress and Metabolic Syndrome

Magnesium and Inflammatory Stress

Magnesium supplementation improves indicators of low magnesium status and inflammatory stress in adults older than 51 years with poor quality sleep. Abstract: Low magnesium status has been associated with numerous conditions characterized as having a chronic inflammatory stress component. Some animal findings indicate that a moderate magnesium deficiency, similar to which apparently commonly occurs in [...]

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Magnesium Stress and Metabolic Syndrome

Magnesium, Stress and Metabolic Syndrome

Magnesium deficiency and metabolic syndrome: stress and inflammation may reflect calcium activation. Abstract: Magnesium (Mg) intake is inadequate in the western diet and metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in populations around the world. Epidemiological studies suggest that high Mg intake may reduce the risk but the possibility of confounding factors exists, given the strong association [...]

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Magnesium Protects Against Stress

Magnesium Protects Against Stress

Magnesium, stress and neuropsychiatric disorders. Abstract: Magnesium has a profound effect on neural excitability; the most characteristic signs and symptoms of Magnesium deficiency are produced by neural and neuromuscular hyperexcitability. These create a constellation of clinical findings termed tetany syndrome (TS). TS symptoms include muscle spasms, cramps and hyperarousal, hyperventilation and asthenia. Physical signs (Chvostek’s, [...]

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Nerve and Back Pain Treated with Magnesium

Nerve and Back Pain Treated with Magnesium

“Clinical experience, as well as research in nerve pain conditions such as pancreatic cancer, has shown that magnesium can be an effective treatment for pain. Although it is clear why magnesium can decrease muscle pain (it makes muscles relax), why it would help nerve pain has only more recently become clear. A major mechanism of [...]

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Magnesium and Inflammation

Magnesium, Calcium and Inflammation

Magnesium and the inflammatory response: Potential physiopathological implications Abstract: The purpose of this review is to summarize experimental findings showing that magnesium modulates cellular events involved in inflammation. Experimental magnesium deficiency in the rat induces after a few days a clinical inflammatory syndrome characterized by leukocyte and macrophage activation, release of inflammatory cytokines and acute [...]

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