Food Cravings and Missing Nutrients

Cravings mainly indicate that our body is lacking a specific mineral or nutrient.

As descendants from cave men – when the aim was to survive on one meal a day – we are craving food that is either high in fat or high in calories to provide us with enough energy. However, these days, we eat five times a day and we no longer need that additional energy or extra calories.

Unfortunately, due to the fact, most food is processed, we are still missing necessary nutrients in our bodies. Instead of giving into our cravings, it is important to understand them, and give the body exactly what it needs.’

But first, let’s understand why modern foods are missing vital nutrients.

In a comment posted by: DennidA at the web site entitled – Calcium, magnesium and broad acre agriculture. This informed reader says:

“It is very simple chemistry that calcium and magnesium must balance. Elevated calcium means magnesium driven out and vice versa.”

“In broad acre conventional farming the application of chemical fertilisers lowers pH, increases acidity. To counter this farmers apply some kind of lime to raise pH. There are basically two possible forms to use, limestone essentially calcium salts or dolomite which combines or is predominantly magnesium. These two possibles differ in physical characteristics: dolomite crushes to a fine powder, limestone to a rough grit.”

“Farmers on broad acres cannot readily spread dolomite as if is put in a spreader of a truck or as towed behind a tractor it would glue up the mechanism instantly. Whereas the gritty limestone sprays easily from such mechanical spreaders.”

“So it happens that by ordinary farming routine there must be a tendency for products of broad acre farms, not just the plants but also animals fed on broad acre grains and grasses, to have a balance towards calcium and away from magnesium.”

“I find advice to take calcium bizarrely simplistic, unless you want slightly stiff stools. The need is not the intake of calcium but getting calcium into the right place, not possible without adequate magnesium.”

“Seven hundred million years ago mitochondria worked out how to make skeletons, a brilliant way to park calcium and reduce the calcium dust storm impeding good cellular respiration and steroidogenesis. Now in the modern era longevity and earlier stresses of life confront us with this old cluster of problems associated with calcium management. Which ought to be understood in some breadth of wisdom, but mainstream English language science is so reductionist vision is blocked.”

What do your food cravings say about you? From chocolate to sweets, meat to carbs, they can provide crucial clues about your health.

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