Prevent Insomnia Naturally

By Cheryl Heppard, CHC

Counting sheep can only help to a certain extent when trying to fall asleep. Prescription medications are not a healthy solution to cure insomnia. There are many natural and effective treatments to prevent insomnia and help get a good night’s sleep.

* Avoid eating a large meal two hours before bedtime. Digestion can be disruptive to relaxation.
* Take a hot bath in the evening before bedtime. Use relaxing essential oils such as lavender or chamomile.
* Apply a hot or cold compress to your stomach. Many holistic health practitioners believe that this will divert energy from the head which causes too much stimulation for relaxation.
* Valerian root tea or tincture may cause drowsiness in some people.
* Deep breathing can induce relaxation. Take slow, deep breaths, or listen to a breathing tape. See resources.
* Some research has shown that listening to music can induce sleep.
* Eat foods high in tryptophan, such as turkey, bananas, figs, tuna, nut butter, etc.
* Exercise vigorously on a daily basis.
* Chamomile tea and kava kava are known for calming the body. Avoid chamomile if you have ragweed allergies
* A calcium/magnesium supplement has a calming effect. Talk to your doctor about adding magnesium if you have a heart condition.
* Melatonin is a natural hormone which will induce sleep if your body is low on this hormone. Use only occasionally and do not give to children.


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